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Greenhouse Gas Certification

At IYAS Accreditation, we recognize the growing importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting the use of sustainable energy sources. The Green Gas Certification Scheme (GGCS) is a pivotal program that tracks biomethane, or "green gas," through the entire supply chain, ensuring transparency, accountability, and confidence for consumers, producers, and stakeholders.

What is the Green Gas Certification Scheme?

The Green Gas Certification Scheme is designed to monitor the flow of green gas, from its production and injection into the distribution grid to its sale and consumption. Unlike conventional gas, green gas displaces equivalent units of non-renewable gas, contributing significantly to reducing carbon footprints. The scheme ensures that every unit of green gas injected into the grid is tracked through contractual, rather than physical, flows. This approach guarantees that there is no double-counting at any stage, providing verifiable documentation from production to end use.

Key Features of the Green Gas Certification Scheme

The GGCS employs robust mechanisms to ensure integrity and transparency throughout the supply chain. Its primary features include:

Benefits of Green Gas Certification

The Green Gas Certification Scheme provides a multitude of benefits for various stakeholders, enhancing trust and encouraging sustainable practices across the energy sector:

IYAS's Role in Green Gas Certification

IYAS Accreditation plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability and credibility of the Green Gas Certification Scheme. Our comprehensive accreditation process assesses the competence and operational integrity of entities involved in the certification process, guaranteeing adherence to international standards and best practices.

Through robust monitoring and evaluation, IYAS ensures that certified entities maintain the highest levels of transparency and accountability. This fosters trust among stakeholders and promotes the widespread adoption of green gas as a viable and sustainable energy source.

Driving Sustainability Through Accreditation

The Green Gas Certification Scheme aligns with IYAS's commitment to advancing environmental sustainability and supporting innovative energy solutions. By accrediting and monitoring certification bodies involved in the GGCS, IYAS contributes to the integrity of renewable energy markets and encourages the transition toward a low-carbon future.

Whether you are a gas producer, a consumer, or a stakeholder in the energy sector, IYAS Accreditation ensures that the Green Gas Certification Scheme delivers measurable benefits, builds confidence, and strengthens the foundation for a sustainable and greener future.